Our Mascot didn’t travel far this time when he spent some time with Lucy, Sports Physio UK’s very own Mental Health Nurse.
Our mental health nurse Lucy specialises in relaxation, well-being and hypnobirthing and delivers various sessions at the clinic. We are very passionate at Sports Physio UK about both mind and body as you can’t have good physical health without good mental health.

Sometimes we see clients in clinic who have various aches and pains and find that stress is the main cause for the tension. Our Mental Health Nurse Lucy helps individuals manage stress better and improve well-being using acupuncture and relaxation techniques. With over 10 years of experience working in the healthcare field, Lucy uses her Mental Health Nursing knowledge to inform her sessions to enable her to deliver the highest standard of care.

Lucy’s new Relax & Breathe classes at the clinic are designed to help individuals relax and to learn some techniques that can be utilised outside of the sessions. Our mascot had the privilege of having a private session with Lucy and was very impressed with the session.He said he couldn’t remember the last time he felt that relaxed and that he would be telling Mrs Blue to get booked on.Lucy’s classes are held on a Monday evening at 5pm and 8pm at the clinic in Shaw. Sessions are £5 and if you’re interested in joining then click here to leave a message.Lucy also offers the opportunity for individuals to talk at the end of the sessions if needed if they feel concerned about their own mental health or the mental health of a loved one. She can offer advice and guidance where needed and help to break down the stigma that surrounds mental health.The classes are aimed at individuals who want to relax, who want some time for themselves and who want to learn some new life skills. We would encourage you to come along and see what they are all about.If your want more information on mental health and well-being then click here.To enquire about Acupuncture for well-being click here.To enquire about Hypnobirthing click here.Sports Physio UK – Website | Facebook | Twitter
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